Saturday, July 16, 2016
Last Reflection
This was the last week of class for SPED310 and I will truly miss this class, I have learned so much and I am so thankful for what I have gained from it. I really enjoyed having a last essay exam about children and their disabilities, it was really easy to apply the knowledge I learned from the course to the essay. I think I would recommend this class to everyone because we are all affected by people that have needs and accommodations.
Wednesday, July 13, 2016
I first thought that I would practice stuttering with my husband because I never tried to stutter before. That was a good and bad idea. I realized that when trying to do something I am not good at, I begin to laugh. I didn't want to laugh in real life because I didn't want it to see like a joke. I tried stuttering in front of a mirror and that helped more. but I was nervous to stutter in front of a stranger. Well I went to the restaurant Wendy's and tried ordering a Jr. bacon cheeseburger. I then asked what came on the cheese burger. The employee was nice and waited for me to finish but seemed very confused at first as to why I was talking like that. They had a concerned look on their face and it made me feel embarrassed. I don't think I was the best at stuttering, and It probably came off as being incompatant than just having a fluency disorder. But I tried my best. I then went to the library on campus and asked a student working there, where to find a certain book. I felt embarressed because they cracked a smile when I first started talking. I don't think they had been exposed to a lot of people with disabilities before. I think they thought I was joking with them. But then they became serious and focused. They were staring at me in shock and awe that I was stuttering my words. After I finished, they helped me find my book but hurried on their way. I think I scared them..... It was a very interesting experience.
I knew I had to do the Learning disability stimulation but I was very nervous and didn't even think I could correctly do it because I would slip up when trying to speak. Well I decided I would go to Winco to go shopping and get my groceries for the week. I planned out before what I would ask an employee for once I got there. My sentence was going to be... , Which Isle are the pineapples on" but that wouldn't work because that uses "L", next I thought of the sentence of " Can you show me where the Pineapples are", but I couldn't say that because of the "N", S I settled with asking this way..."where are the pineapples?" When I got there and asked the employee, it went different than I had expected. After asking her, she replied fresh produce or canned?..... I really wanted the canned pineapple but I couldn't reply "Canned" because it had a "N" in it. I freezed up and tried to think of how to word it. I thought I would say, "the ones in the tin" but that still had a "N" in the word so I coulnd't use it I felt my face turn red because it had been a long time and I couldn't answer a simple question. I realized that I didn't know how to answer and out of embarrassment I replied, "Produce" I gave in because I was embarrassed,But I realized that If I had a real Learning disability that I wouldn't be able to do that. I really felt for these people. I then went to the book store on campus and asked them where the dresses were for girls, This time, the employee didn't ask me any questions but just walked me over to where the dresses were located. It wasn't as hard at the grocery store but I still felt the anxiety of knowing they could ask me a question and not feeling prepared to answer it. I realized that people with learning disabilities must feel anxiety frequently.
When I put on the masks, I was very surprised on how I could hardly see anything. The masks really disrupted my view, More than I thought so. I thought that I would be able to see more than I was able to. It was very hard to be able to focus on m work because of the mask. I put on the first mask with the little holes and it started giving me a head ache. I didn't want to put on the other masks because it was making me a little dizzy. But I continued with the assignment. I thought that it was more difficult than I thought. I put on the other masks and noticed they each had a huge difference with my vision. It didn't help make me feel better because I am pregnant and felt very nauseous, Wearing the masks made me feel dizzy and want to faint. I had to take longer time doing my assignment. I was also embarrassed having other people stare at me and wonder why I was wearing those masks. It was hard not to take them off but I kept them on to know what those feel like that have a visual impairment. I can see how those would feel with a visual impairment because they would struggle to do assignments. It would take them longer time to do their work because they would have to focus more.
Service Learning
When I went to go do the service learning, I was nervous to go because I went by myself. But once I got there, I actually had a lot of fun. I went with a group out into the community. There was another worker and then two adults with disabilities. We first headed to the dollar store and that was interesting because we looked in the store for a good hour before checking out. The two adults with disabilities were very high functioning. I thought that it was really nice to have a conversation with them and be able to ask the questions about their lifestyle. The one woman worked at a hotel cleaning rooms and the other man worked at Arby's. I thought it was great that they were working and still tried to do their part. After the dollar store, we went to Walmart and walked around there, they practiced talking to the employees and asking them questions. I thought that this was a great way to introduce them to new situations. We then headed back to the building once again and I had the opportunity to sit in on a class. But this wasn't a typical class that I thought I would be sitting in on. When I was observing the class, we talked about politics and worldly issues. I thought this was interesting because they knew more about what was going on in the world than what I thought. They really understood problem going on in society. I was very impressed with them and the way they communicated. After we had the class, we went to the main room and then watched a movie for a little bit. But I mostly kept talking to the adults there and we worked on a puzzle. I really enjoyed my experience volunteering there.
For SPED310, We were assigned to be in a wheelchair for four hours so that we would put our selves in someone's shoes. We could see what it was like to have a disability and have to be in a wheel chair. To be honest, I was very nervous about being in a wheel chair, I was afraid what people would think of me and how I would move around. I procrastinated as long as a could because I was scared but finally realized I had to do it and get the courage. I didn't realize how hard it would be to be in a wheelchair. I started out in the Hinkley and went down the elevator. It took a really long time to have the elevator come and get to the floor I needed. I started down the hill outside of the Hinkley and that was the scariest part of the whole time I was in the wheelchair. As I started down the hill, I was picking up too much speed and when I went to grab the handrails, My hands were on fire. I couldn't grasp on tightly to stop myself and I ran into the tri-fold news stand. That hurt pretty bad. I tried adjusting myself and realized that I hadn't even made it down the steepest part of the hill yet. Luckily I remembered that I had my work shirt in my backpack, I grabbed it and used it on the wheel and held it with my hand to help me slow down. I made it down the hill but with some difficulty. I was heading to my next class in the clark and went to the wrong side of the building, I realized there was no automatic button. But silly thought that I could open the door on my own. I tried opening the door and bumped around quite a bit. A girl sitting right on the inside of the building noticed me struggling and came to my rescue. Sadly, once inside the building, I noticed a set of stairs with no way around them! Duh!!! I went the wrong way of course, I had to go back the other way and exit the building and then go around. I had to travel up hill in order to get to the other door. Luckily this side had the automatic door opening. I went to my classes for the day and a lot of people were actually sincerely concerned about my well being which I thought was sweet. I then Not only went to the bathroom once for the requirement of the project but I had to go multiple times because I am pregnant and cannot hold it at all. I went to the bathroom multiple times and it was a true struggle, It took me triple the time to use the bathroom because of having to get on and off of the chair. But I headed back to return the wheel chair because My time was up. I then realized that I would have to make my way back up the hill because I had to head to the Hinkley. The hill was huge!! I barely started up the slope from the smith and I was trying to push my way up but because it was so steep, I was hardly budging an inch. I was really embarrassed because it was passing period and there were alot of people walking past me. I just wanted to disappear. Luckily, There a sweet girl that asked if I wanted a push, I politely refused because she was heading the opposite way of the Hinkley, She refused my poliet no thanks, she pushed me all the way up the hill to the Hinkley, I felt so bad that she was pushing me when I was fully capable. of walking. But It was so sweet of her to help me when I needed help. This experience has shown me that I am very blessed. I think that This has really opened my eyes and shown me how People feel when they are at a different level. I realized how much respect we need to give those that are in wheelchairs.
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Reflection 12
In class, we did another vote with your feet. I love doing these because we get to read scenarios and are able to voice our opinions on the matter. I realized that I can have alot of opinion on certain matters that I thought I would be unsure about. I think that it is good to always hear different perspectives and get a good view on all sides of the matter. This allows us to keep an open mind and make sure we don't become closed off to other people's opinions. I think this is a very important skill to have, especially going into the work force that we are going to. Teaching can be rough but we need to always keep changing up how we teach our classes to accommodate for those who need help.
A group also taught on Friday about emotional disorder disabilities. I thought that these were very interesting and are topics that not alot of people address. I think society tends to hide these parts of ourselves from the world because they are scary and hard and ugly. But if we don't talk about it then we don't realize how many people actually fall in these categories.
Depression is when you get feelings of guilt, sadness and anger for a long period of time, because of this, you can have social withdrawl and leave the group you are in. Some accommodations are to make the classroom fun with lots activities.
Can make you count numbers over and over again. Clean excessively, or having a strict routine
Making accommodations could be having hand sanatizer and making small goals.
I realized that we can all help those around us and be friends. Life should be enjoyable and not something to dread.
A group also taught on Friday about emotional disorder disabilities. I thought that these were very interesting and are topics that not alot of people address. I think society tends to hide these parts of ourselves from the world because they are scary and hard and ugly. But if we don't talk about it then we don't realize how many people actually fall in these categories.
Depression is when you get feelings of guilt, sadness and anger for a long period of time, because of this, you can have social withdrawl and leave the group you are in. Some accommodations are to make the classroom fun with lots activities.
Can make you count numbers over and over again. Clean excessively, or having a strict routine
Making accommodations could be having hand sanatizer and making small goals.
I realized that we can all help those around us and be friends. Life should be enjoyable and not something to dread.
Reflection 11
This week was my favorite week by far to talk to Emily, I thought that it was so interesting to hear about her lifestyle and the way that she learned to adapt with her disability. I realized that we all have flaws or imperfections but we don't have to allow that to define us in any way. As long as we have a positive outlook on life, we can accomplish anything. I loved being able to ask her questions and listening to how she has impacted people around her and not even realizing it. I have seen in my own life how we can impact others for the good and not realize how much we really do in this world. I thought it was interesting how she had a braille machine and was able to type onto it and make her own braille. I loved how she made her own games and improvised. I thought it was so cool how her Book of Mormon was in braille and she could read it like that. I am very close to the deaf community because I had a deaf teacher in high school that taught me sign language, we were able to become great friends!!! She took me under her wing and showed me a whole new way of life, It was so crazy! I eventually came to the point of interpreting for her for a while before I left for college. I miss those times and being able to use my other senses!I think that Emily will continue to influence those around her with her bright spirit!
Reflection 10
As a group, we decided to teach the other students how to
braid their hair. We thought that this would be a fun yet simple activity for
them to learn. We wanted to teach something that wouldn’t be too complicated
and could be taught on different levels if needed. We realized that braiding hair
would be the perfect topic since most girls have braided their hair or others
hair. If some people in our group of students did not know how to braid or had
never braided before, they could easily learn quickly. As well for the students
that had more expertise on the subject, we could teach them a more advanced
version of the braid so they could still learn something new. As we did our
pre-assessment, it became clear that we had students on all ends of the
spectrum scale. But we knew we could tailor our lessons to make it interesting
for everyone to participate. Our plan to
teach the students, was to have each student pair up and have one student sit
down and one stand up. They would take turns braiding each other’s hair, so
that everyone would have a model to practice on and then become a model
We also
realized that something we would need to prepare for was the students with
disabilities. As a group, we talked about what could be done to help those
students that would be visually, physically, or mentally impaired. Based on the
type of activities that we had, we knew the biggest challenge would be the
student that could use only one hand. Braiding requires two hands, thus this
activity would be challenging for that student with that disability. In order
to accommodate for that student, one of the teachers in our group, (Katelyn)
would help be the other hand for the student and help hold the hair that would
be braided. We also provided an aid for the student that was blind, by having
(Stephanie) stand next to her and help guide her hands if she needed help. The
last student with a disability would be mute and therefore wouldn’t struggle
with doing the actually activity but if they had a question, they would need a
way to ask. To help accommodate, we provided paper and pencil for them to write
down what they needed to say.
On the
day that our group presented and teach we had an example placed in front of
them for them to follow along with so that the student’s wouldn’t become lost
in following directions. Lizzy sat down in a chair and Annie stood behind her
to demonstrate how to do the braid. Annie gave instructions on how to braid the
hair while braiding Lizzy’s hair. She would then pause and ask if there were
questions or if anyone was struggling. Surprisingly, no students with
disabilities were struggling, but one student wasn’t as advanced with braiding
as the other girls. To help out, our group paused and we went over the steps
slowly with her so she could catch up. The student’s with disabilities did very
well with braiding and breezed through the activity.
doing the assessment, we realized that the activity could have been improved.
Even though we planned to have everyone partner up and practice the braid and
then switch, we ran out of time and only some of the students were able to
actually practice the braid. Next time it would be helpful to either be given
more time or to have it set up differently by having everyone in a line instead
of paired up. We also knew beforehand that we had all girls in our group and
that made it easier to teach the student how to braid. But if the situation
changed and we had boys in our group that would have been difficult to have the
students pair up since the boys would have too short of hair. If boys were
included in our group, we would have to change up the plan by having fake doll
heads that could be braided on instead. Though, overall, as a group we did a
good job in preparation and planning. We communicated the steps efficiently and
slowly so that the students weren’t rushed. It was also beneficial to have the
teacher’s model in the room as an example, instead of playing a video from off
of YouTube.
Friday, July 8, 2016
Reflection 9
Reflection 9
This week, it was very interesting learning in SPED310, I realized when we were talking about disabilities that even though we all have flaws and imperfections, we can all create. I thought that it was so amazing when I was watching this video about how we all have an ability to create and contribute.
I realized when we were talking about adaptations and changing the classroom, that we can always help those that have disabilities and that those disabilities don't have to define them! Most of the time it is the teacher that needs to change her thought process and way of teaching. I have noticed that most teachers get stuck in a rut of teaching and don't switch up their teaching methods because they get use to teaching a certain way. I think that any student has an ability to learn.Teachers need to help adapt their classroom so that the student can create and grow.
I think that teachers also need to get out of their comfort zone to get to know the families of their students. This is beneficial to help get more personal with students so you can better meet their needs. Every student has needs that need attention. I think that it is important to know students so they are more open and willing to learn. I loved how at the beginning of the semester we learned everyone's names and Brother Cloward knew our name. That helped in the learning process and making it easier to talk in class because it was more on a personal level.
We also had a presentation on traumatic head injury. I thought that was interesting because we learned about how the brain functions and how it really makes a difference. I realized that our brain is very important and if we injury ourselves, we need to seek help.
Damages to the brain-
Frontal- Socialization
Parietal- language verbal memory
Occipital- visual ability
Temporal- hearing
This week, it was very interesting learning in SPED310, I realized when we were talking about disabilities that even though we all have flaws and imperfections, we can all create. I thought that it was so amazing when I was watching this video about how we all have an ability to create and contribute.
I realized when we were talking about adaptations and changing the classroom, that we can always help those that have disabilities and that those disabilities don't have to define them! Most of the time it is the teacher that needs to change her thought process and way of teaching. I have noticed that most teachers get stuck in a rut of teaching and don't switch up their teaching methods because they get use to teaching a certain way. I think that any student has an ability to learn.Teachers need to help adapt their classroom so that the student can create and grow.
I think that teachers also need to get out of their comfort zone to get to know the families of their students. This is beneficial to help get more personal with students so you can better meet their needs. Every student has needs that need attention. I think that it is important to know students so they are more open and willing to learn. I loved how at the beginning of the semester we learned everyone's names and Brother Cloward knew our name. That helped in the learning process and making it easier to talk in class because it was more on a personal level.
We also had a presentation on traumatic head injury. I thought that was interesting because we learned about how the brain functions and how it really makes a difference. I realized that our brain is very important and if we injury ourselves, we need to seek help.
Damages to the brain-
Frontal- Socialization
Parietal- language verbal memory
Occipital- visual ability
Temporal- hearing
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Lesson Week 8
This week I learned about children and their needs. After having a group discussion, I realized that teachers really are key to the growth and success of the child. I think that teachers make all the difference in the classroom. I enjoyed reading those case studies of the different teachers and seeing how they acted towards children. I was the science teacher that was teaching the older sixth graders but got bumped down to the second graders. I still held a super high expectation in my class even though they are a younger grade. I think that teachers that have these mind sets, might have good intentions but will ultimately harm the children in their ways of growing because they don't allow room for error. No one is perfect and everyone can make mistakes. I think this week was really helpful in putting myself into perspective, I realized that I need to be the best teacher I can be for the children I teach!

Saturday, June 4, 2016
Reflection Lesson 7
This week in Sped 310, I thought it was interesting to talk to about diagnosing children and finding symptoms that they had. I really enjoyed the group's presentation on ADHD and how children are affected by having this disability. My heart was wrenching when we watched the video about the little girl who had ADHD and had no friends in school and didn't have confidence about herself. I think that it is very interesting to see how children's mind sets can change even when they are so young. I was so surprised how she viewed her home life, and school life, so much differently compared to the other boy. I just wanted to take her and hug her and tell her everything was going to be alright. I really enjoyed talking about the different ways for teachers to test. I realized in class that teachers could make tests more individualized for the students but that takes a lot more work on their part and can be a difficult long process. By having tests that are more individualized it can help students to think in different ways. I love the picture this picture.....

I realized that many schools test children all the same but don't realize that children have all types of abilities that cannot be shown in the same way. I think this is important to keep in mind.
I realized that many schools test children all the same but don't realize that children have all types of abilities that cannot be shown in the same way. I think this is important to keep in mind.
Friday, May 27, 2016
Sped 310 lesson 6
SPED 310
This week was very interesting in class. I think that the legal aspect of this class can be very complicated. I never realized that there were so many situations that can change how you view a case. I loved being able to have the colored slips of paper with the cases on them. We were able to lay them out on the floor and it really helped me to have a visual aid.
I loved the presentation today about "Hard of Hearing", The group did a wonderful group in how they talked about the topic. I think that people who are hard of hearing, they need to have exposure to deaf culture and hearing culture. I have had so much experience with the deaf culture that I realized how different it is. In high school, I took a Sign Language class for 4 years. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to take this class. It stood out compared to other classes because my teacher was deaf. I realized that sign language is like dancing with your hands. There is a fluency and rhythm. I grew up dancing my whole life and so once I started learning Sign Language very quickly. My teacher noticed how well i was doing compared to the class and she took me under her wing and helped me to grow to my potential. By my last year, I started interpreting for her and helped aid students in class. There is a special place in my heart for the deaf community and sign language!
This week was very interesting in class. I think that the legal aspect of this class can be very complicated. I never realized that there were so many situations that can change how you view a case. I loved being able to have the colored slips of paper with the cases on them. We were able to lay them out on the floor and it really helped me to have a visual aid.
I loved the presentation today about "Hard of Hearing", The group did a wonderful group in how they talked about the topic. I think that people who are hard of hearing, they need to have exposure to deaf culture and hearing culture. I have had so much experience with the deaf culture that I realized how different it is. In high school, I took a Sign Language class for 4 years. I thoroughly enjoyed being able to take this class. It stood out compared to other classes because my teacher was deaf. I realized that sign language is like dancing with your hands. There is a fluency and rhythm. I grew up dancing my whole life and so once I started learning Sign Language very quickly. My teacher noticed how well i was doing compared to the class and she took me under her wing and helped me to grow to my potential. By my last year, I started interpreting for her and helped aid students in class. There is a special place in my heart for the deaf community and sign language!
Saturday, May 21, 2016
Lesson 4 and 5 Lesson Reflection
This last week was very intense. I loved playing the role of the attorney for the families and talking about the Cedar Rapids case. I realized how cases can be confusing and it can be hard to choose a side. When we were stating facts about the Cedar Rapids case I thought that I just agreed with the parents because of allowing children to have free public education. I think it is important to have children be able to have education no matter what condition they are in. But as we began talking about it, I thought it was hard to decide on if the school really had to pay for the nurse because it was under medical assistance . I think that it is important to have schools help children when it has to deal with education but on the other hand, where do we draw the line? How do we know when it is best to have schools provide something under IDEA or have the parents be in charge of taking care of that student. I could see the view point of the school and almost sided with them that because they are responsible for that student and their health then they need to get the best for them so the school isn't sued for death. The school needs to get the best but at the same time, it is too expensive. I think that it can be hard to turn away some children while others aren't. I understand why they have the laws in place that are there because if they didn't, they wouldn't be able to decide who gets what privileges and treatments.
I liked also being involved in the group presentation and being able to do those activities, they were very interesting to participate in and really made me think about how kids with disabilities feel and that there is a wide range of disabilities that someone can have. It is good to be able to put yourself in someone else's shoes to understand how they feel. We cannot just have sympathy for someone. We need to have empathy for them as well. We have to experience for ourselves what they feel like so we can understand. it can make a huge difference in how we treat someone if we ourselves go through it too.
Saturday, May 7, 2016
This week I learned so much about children with disabilities. After watching the videos for class, my heart was broken. It was really hard to watch how people were treated just because they weren't fully understood. I think that it is so crazy for this time period of unfairness to only occur a couple of decades ago. I know that we have come a long way in research and understanding, but it still seems like we treated those people so primitively not so long ago.I think by looking back on the past, we can help drive our future.
I also learned this week how we can use different teaching methods to help our classrooms and to change the way our students learn. I think there some great methods like, team teaching and alternative teaching so that it can help those students that are struggling. I know as a student, I struggled in school at times and I loved breaking off into groups to learn more and bounce ideas off one another. It was helpful for me to see a peer's perspective that is my age, instead of trying to understand my teacher's way of thinking.
I also learned this week how we can use different teaching methods to help our classrooms and to change the way our students learn. I think there some great methods like, team teaching and alternative teaching so that it can help those students that are struggling. I know as a student, I struggled in school at times and I loved breaking off into groups to learn more and bounce ideas off one another. It was helpful for me to see a peer's perspective that is my age, instead of trying to understand my teacher's way of thinking.

Saturday, April 30, 2016
Week 2 SPED310 response
This week I really liked doing the vote with feet. I think it was a great way to address the different principles that we talked about it in an interesting and new way. I think that it was fun to be able to walk around to each corner of the room and choose what we felt on the subject. I think there can be every side to a story but it was nice to voice our opinions and be able to debate in a friendly way. I think that it is nice to also see all different perspectives even if one is more favorable. The activity was very helpful to voice our opinions and talk to our neighbors that were by us. It definitely was helpful when the tough questions came up. I know that it is nice to talk about hard subjects because you can bounce ideas off of each other.
I realized that as we were going over certain topics, I had a lot more opinion and say then I thought I would. I realized I had done more work with students with disabilities then I had imagined. I know that at first i was a little unsure of myself. But after reading the questions, I noticed that I had been exposed to a lot more stuff then I knew.
When I was in high school, I was a teachers aid and helped with students that had disabilities. I loved working in that class because I really grew a love for these children. I understood them and knew them very well. I thought it was a great experience for me and taught me patience and love. I think that it helped me to be more aware of other peoples situations as well. I can't wait for this class to unfold, to learn more and grow!!

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